Thursday, September 10, 2009

Killin' Nazi's: A Review of Inglourious Basterds

I went and saw Inglourious Basterds the other night, figuring I'd do something fun over my three day weekend other than sitting at home. And it was a blast, one of the best rides of cinema I've seen in awhile. SPOILERS, naturally throughout the course of this post.

The main thing I thought of when I left was , "Wow, it was over that quick?" For two and a half hours it flew by. The only part that slowed it down was the opening part, which was still entertaining but did go kind of slow. The movie was divided into five parts or chapters. We meet the young Jewish girl who escapes the SS in occupied France, then we meet Lt. Aldo Raine and the Basterds, and a British officer who's to help with plots, over the chapters, before leading up to the climax.

I've read other reviews and articles where it mentions the film owes as much to Spaghetti westerns as it does World War II dangerous mission flicks(a la the Dirty Dozen, Von Ryan's Express, etc). Hell it felt just as more like a Ocean's Eleven caper flick or something too. But a Ocean's Eleven caper flick in World War II directed by Quentin Tarantino off course. You know there's going to be blood and people were going to die. You just didn't know if everyone was or not...

Brad Pitt was a hoot as Aldo Raine. It seemed more like a caricature being portrayed than acting, but you gotta love the consistency and hilariousness of one-dimensional quest for getting the job done. To me he was more of an American Cowboy or outlaw type hero. He followed his own rules, had no qualms about killing in cold blood and just his brashness that showed American know how and superiority.
The funniest part for me was when they decided to continue with the mission and act like Italians. "I don't speak any Italian." "Like I said, third best. Just keep your fuckin' mouth shut. In fact why don't you start practicing, right now.
" And then in the theatre in the midst of Nazi's, just a horrible not even hiding his thick Southern accent with his "Bonjouro's" and "Arrevedeci."

Without just rehashing the plot, but the other cool thing and the big SPOILER. Is that the group actually manages to help pull off the task, offing Hitler, Gobbels and the other top Nazis making some other reality. You gotta admire Tarantino for this, there's all sorts of Hitler survived tales out there, but off the top of my head this is the first or at least best one that show Hitler getting offed(well that doesn't involve time travel sci-fi elements) before his actual demise.

At the end Raine does his trademark with his knife, in carving a swastika into the head of a German solider. After all after the war, how are they going to tell who was a Nazi when they don't have their uniforms on.
Anyway, watch this movie when you can.

Addendum- The weirdest thing for me about seeing this, was before I got in. They checked me for I.D.?! I'm 25 and hadn't shaved for three or four days, do I look that young. I remember when I used to buy smokes for people after I turned 18, I'd done it 10-12 times before they actually checked my I.D. I know I've bought alcohol before without being checked.

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