Saturday, April 30, 2011

They Ain't Making Jews, or Anyone for that Matter Like Kinky Anymore ; 4/29 Kinky Friedman concert review

The Springtime for Kinky 2011 tour made its stop in St. Louis at Off-Broadway, in the Cherokee district. Me and the old man got there pretty early even with doors opening at 7:30 and not knowing if I had to actually pick up tickets(I didn't I guess everybody's were "will call".) And as we were heading back out to kill some time the Kinkster himself was arriving out of a taxi and he spent a portion of time outside smoking a cigar.
After doors opened the show was supposed to start at 8 but didn't until close til 9, as Kinky was in the back signing stuff for people. I didn't think about it or I would have brought a cd and we couldn't find some any posters to grab. But Off-Broadway was sort of like Mojo's in Columbia, a pretty sparse in area place.
Here is the approximate set list I knew he did 16 songs, I'm not sure of the exact order and there is one song I can't remember...

1. Before All Hell Breaks Lose
2. Lady Yesterday ?
3. Autograph
4. Homo Erectus
5. Old Ben Lucas
6. Rapid City, South Dakota
7. Nashville Casualty and Life
8. Waitret, Please Waitret
9. Sold American
10. They Ain't Making Jews Like Jesus Anymore
11. Silver Eagle Express
Reading from his book of Texas Heroes
12. Asshole From El Paso
13. Marilyn and Joe
14. Ballad of Ira Hayes
15. Ballad of Charles Whitman
16. Ballad of Pretty Boy Floyd

Overall it was two hours of entertainment. Between most songs or even in the middle of some he would go on monologues or telling jokes. My dad was annoyed at the late start, but by halfway through he was giggling uncontrollably. "... had a Yom Kippur Cadillac. It could stop on a dime and pick it up." Right after the second song, he tried doing a little instrumental vamp, but messed up and said, "Aw, Fuck it!" And he was talking a bit about losing his hearing, and relating about an older man who couldn't hear and was asking his wife what she did with the rake. He said, "she pointed at her, then her ass and then her privates. The old man couldn't understand and she finally said, ' I left it behind the bush.' "
He did go on some political topics and politics in general. "Break down the word politcs. Poly many many and ticks as in blood sucking animals." And he said the only three in Congress he believes aren't corrupt are Ron Paul, Bernie Sanders and Dennis Kucinch, but everyone else thinks are a little nuts. Kinky also when talking to the audience spent most of the time fumbling around with cigars, presumably because he couldn't smoke inside...

Musically he was joined midway by one of his former Jewboys, bassist Sky Cap Adams who apparently lives in the St. Louis area and is his homosexual lover. (He later told us "they weren't" , but Sky Cap added "Not any more.")
And Kinky added to the humor not just in his songs, but forgetting lyrics and where to go time and time again. At one point during Silver Eagle Express, Sky Cap pulled out his phone to look up song lyrics and asked "What song is this again?" And he couldn't remember what the people were doing during Ballad of Charles Whitman. "No they weren't laughing." During They Ain't Making Jews Like Jesus Anymore, he asked the crowd if he forgot to be derogatory to any ethnic group and told a story about an audience member who'd always shout out "Albinos!" in New York City.
The only major disappointment for me was he didn't play Get Your Biscuits in the Oven. He also didn't play We Reserve the Right to Refuse Service to You.
But Homo Erectus and Waitret, Please, Waitret, an ode to cunnilingus were riots, as well as hearing his other well known songs Ballad of Charles Whitman, Old Ben Lucas and Asshole from El Paso.
He also had a lot reverence for Willie Nelson, mentioning him and talking about him multiple times. "There are three things he cares about, music, drugs and gold. I only care about two Libya and Charlie Sheen."
Overall it was a fun night and worth it with all the laughs and fun songs. More to come as I remember other parts and funny bits...

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