Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Comics I Wish Existed

I guess this is making the rounds and it sounds fun. Here are a few I would think would be a hoot to read.

Amalgam Comics Presents by Various- A monthly book, featuring the same characters and continuity from the original universe created by Marvel and DC in 1996 and 1997. The publishers would alternate each month who "actually" published it or every couple of months if there are multi-parters. One issue might feature the Judgement League Avengers by Kurt Busiek and George Perez, the next might be Challengers of Fantastic by Dan Jurgens and Tom Grummett.

Batman by Neil Gaiman and Neal Adams- The master Bat artist and master writer, I think would combine to create an awesome Bat book.

Desolation Row by Grant Morrison and J. H. Williams III- A comic that features super hero versions of characters from Bob Dylan's songs. The surrealness of the characters and lyrics would make it a perfect fit for Grant Morrison. I mean we've got Miss Lonely, Mr. Tambourine Man, and a whole slew of characters from the song Desolation Row, itself.

Freaks and Geeks Season II by Paul Feig, Scott Lobdell and Tom Grummett- The brilliant but canceled show only made it one season, so this would be the best thing to see what happened in the second season. Feig was one of the show's creators and Lobdell and Grummett are mainstream comic creators who've done great work with teenage characters.

1973 by Alan Moore, Rick Veitch, Dave Gibbons, Bernie Wrightson and Stephen Bissette- A sequel/continuation to Moore's 1963 mini-series, would be interesting to see. How did the characters from 1963 change by the early 1970s as comics were changing? What other characters would he come up with?

Superman & Batman: In the Beginning by Jeph Loeb and Tim Sale- I'd like to see the creators of Batman: The Long Halloween and Superman: For All Seasons, tackle an early/first meeting of the two iconic characters.

The Secret
Soldiers by Kurt Busiek and Kieron Dwyer - A book that would explore the history of U.S. Presidents and their involvement, with various super hero, supernatural and vigilantism throughout the history of our country and often sanctioned by the Commander In Chief. What was so nefarious with the Clanton Gang, that Doc Holliday had to be sent to in to take care of the problem? What really happened to Amelia Earhart? So many possibilities to play with history, legends and super hero archetypes.

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